The benefits of Swedish massage include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation , decreased stress and muscle tension, and improved range of motion. A relaxing massage
1 hr=$90, 1-1/2=$130, 2 hr=$170
is a specialty massage where the therapist uses smooth, heated stones as an extension their own hands. The heat can be both deeply relaxing and help warm up tight muscles so the therapist can work more deeply, more quickly. It's also very soothing.
1hr=$100, 1-1/2=$145, 2hr=$190
The gentle, noninvasive approach of prenatal massage can ease discomfort associated with pregnancy, help the mother-to-be prepare for labor and give her nurturing emotional support.
1hr=$100, 1-1/2=$145, 2hr=$190
involves manipulation of the deep layers of tissue in the body, including the facia and other supportive tissue that make up the muscles and joints. Deep tissue massage uses slower and firmer strokes and pressure than other treatments - seep finger pressure that concentrates on particular areas, and follows or goes across the fibers of muscles and tendons.
1 hr=$100, 1-1/2 hr=$145, 2 hr=$190
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